Garantizar el acceso local al apoyo y los servicios comunitarios para adultos mayores, personas con discapacidades y cuidadores.
We administer the Area Agency on Aging of East Texas whose programs are tailored to meet the social, nutritional, educational and logistical needs of residents age 60 years old and above in our region. The AAA serves as the regions' leader in advocating and providing a variety of services to our senior population. These services are designed to assist older individuals in living independent, meaningful and dignified lives in their own homes and communities as long as possible.
Main Office
3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, Texas 75662
Satellite Offices
1501 Pentecost Road
Kilgore, Texas 75662
522 N. Broadway Ave.
Tyler, Texas 75702
1-800-442-8845 (toll free)
903-218-6500 (main line)