Estamos orgullosos de servir a una membresía de 14 condados,
79 ciudades y más de 30 ISD y distritos especiales.
Regional Solutions
In order to improve the quality of life for all of our citizens, we pledge all of our resources to educate and assist our members to accomplish their goals.
Grassroots Planning
Los fondos estatales y federales designados para nuestra región son votados y distribuidos por funcionarios locales electos y representantes regionales compuestos por nuestra membresía.
We have a wide array of services we offer that provide solutions to common problems. We even offer some at a low rate that can result in major cost savings!
ETCOG Member Benefits
Representation and voting rights on the ETCOG Board of Directors
Opportunity for representation on the ETCOG Executive Committee or Advisory Committees
Your organization's representation in regional planning for public safety, transportation, workforce development, care for seniors, economic development, and environmental planning
Ability to apply for ETCOG grant funding
Invitation to regional meetings and Bi-Annual Legislative Reception