We help guide and promote collaboration among regional public entities to progressively address common environmental issues and development challenges.
ETCOG has partnered with local governments to form Northeast Texas Air Care (NETAC) to fill the need of a more organized and comprehensive approach to improving air quality based on regional needs.
We are the state designated organization for municipal solid waste planning in East Texas. Grassroots planning and decision making are conducted by our solid waste advisory committee. With their assistance, we manage a pass-through grant program, closed landfill inventory and our regional solid waste management plan.
We take pride in utilizing regional goals and waste diversion resources to coordinate projects that benefit health and safety. To support regional waste minimization efforts in the region, our solid waste program accepts applications for annual Municipal Solid Waste grant funds available through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The grant application period opens every fall.
3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, Texas 75662
(903) 218-6400
Chuck Vanderbilt, Community & Economic Development Manager