Get in touch


3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, TX 75662


Anderson County

Population:  57,922

County Seat:  Palestine

Square Mileage:  1,071

703 North Mallard, Ste. 101

Palestine, TX 75801

Phone: (903) 723-7406

Fax:  (903) 723-7494


Commissioners Court Meets 2nd and 4th Monday 9:30 AM

County Judge: The Honorable Carey G. McKinney

Term Expires: December 2026

Commissioner, Precinct 1: Greg Chapin

Term Expires: December 2028

Commissioner, Precinct 2: Rashad Q. Mims

Term Expires: December 2026

Commissioner, Precinct 3: John Wilbanks

Term Expires: December 2028

Commissioner, Precinct 4: Joey Hill

Term Expires: December 2026

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1: Gary Thomas

Term Expires: December 2026

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2: Tammy Lightfoot

Term Expires: December 2026

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3: James Todd

Term Expires: December 2026

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4: James W. Westley

Term Expires: December 2026

Constable, Precinct 1: David Franklin

Term Expires: December 2024

Constable, Precinct 2: Doug Lightfoot

Term Expires: December 2024

Constable, Precinct 3:  Kim Holliday

Term Expires: December 2024

Constable, Precinct 4: James Muniz

Term Expires: December 2024

County Officials

Criminal District Attorney: The Honorable Allyson Mitchell

District Clerk: Teresia Perry Coker

County Clerk: Mark Staples

County Treasurer: Tara Holliday

Tax Assessor-Collector: Margie Grissom

Sheriff: Rudy Flores

County Auditor: Stan Chambers

Chief Appraiser: Adrienne Polk

Elections Official: Casey Brown

Need to update your contacts?

Call us at (903) 218-6400


Councils of Governments (COGs) are voluntary associations of local governments formed under Texas law. The East Texas Council of Governments serves fourteen counties in the East Texas region.

Centrally located within the United States, East Texas is easily accessible by air, rail and road. Our region has top-notch education and workforce training institutes. And you just will not find anywhere else with the combination of rolling hills, piney woods and vast, clear lakes that comprise the largely undeveloped East Texas landscape. 
A map showing the location of dallas and east texas


Our meetings are open to the public. Upcoming meetings are posted a minimum of 72 hours in advance.


We seek quotes, bids, and proposals on an as needed basis. See what procurement opportunities we have available here.


Interested in joining the ETCOG team?
See what job opportunities are currently available.
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