Get in touch


3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, TX 75662




Our services

The East Texas Council of Governments is committed to serving the cities in our 14-county region. Our executive recruitment services can assist you in recruiting for your leadership needs!

We understand funding can be limited, and we can leverage our existing resources to assist you with this effort at a reduced cost. Our team here at ETCOG has over 40 years of experience in recruitment, human resources, public relations, and marketing.

How we can help

Job Descriptions.


Revise or create.

We are available to work with your team to create a job description or update a current one that appropriately communicates the responsibilities, requirements, education, and experiences your city needs.



Phone, virtual, in person.

We offer a variety of options when it comes to candidate interviews. Our team can help with the initial phone screening services, coordinating and scheduling interviews, making recommendations for interview panels, and helping your team determine who to consider for final interviews.

Candidate Review.


Checking the facts.

We are here to make sure it all checks out! Our team will research previous employers, references listed by the candidates and perform an internet and social media search history. We can conduct background checks on final candidates and summarize this information for the interview team and city council. 

Decision to Hire.


It's your call.

Hiring decisions are based solely on your determination of their review and interview of the final candidates. Our team is available for technical advice and assistance, but we feel we must remain a neutral party. We consider our role as a facilitator of this process to help position your team to determine which candidate fits their overall culture and needs. 

Job Posting.


Reaching candidates.

Our web-based application portal can market your position on the most utilized job boards throughout the United States. This portal allows candidates to upload their information online and respond to initial screening questions. Additionally, our team will work with you to create a city profile as a marketing tool for potential candidates and coordinate state and local hiring ads to promote the position. 

Resume Review.


Applicant assessment.

Our team is trained and experienced in assessing candidates. Based on our initial assessment, we will place the candidates into three categories and provide a summary profile matrix highlighting each candidate’s education and experience for your team to consider.

Ready to get started?

Call us at 903-218-6400

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