Population: 44,843
County Seat: Quitman 75783
Square Mileage: 650
100 Main Street
Quitman, TX 75783
Phone: (903) 763-2716
Fax: (903) 763-2902
Email: countyjudge@mywoodcounty.com
County Judge: The Honorable Kevin White
Term Expires: December 2026
Commissioner, Precinct 1: Justin Bowring
Term Expires: December 2028
Commissioner, Precinct 2: Jerry Gaskill
Term Expires: December 2026
Commissioner, Precinct 3: Mike Simmons
Term Expires: December 2028
Commissioner, Precinct 4: Russell Acker
Term Expires: December 2026
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1: Tony Gilbreath
Term Expires: December 2026
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2: Janae Holland
Term Expires: December 2026
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3: Jerry Parker
Term Expires: December 2026
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4: Jody Hettich
Term Expires: December 2026
Constable, Precinct 1: Stephen Bowser
Term Expires: December 2024
Constable, Precinct 2: Kelly Smith
Term Expires: December 2024
Constable, Precinct 3: John McQueen
Term Expires: December 2024
Constable, Precinct 4: Chase Glover
Term Expires: December 2024
Criminal District Attorney: The Honorable Angela Albers
District Clerk: Suzy Wright
County Clerk: Kelley Price
County Treasurer: Daphne Carter
Tax Assessor-Collector: Carol Taylor
Sheriff: Kelly Cole
County Auditor: Terri Sellars
Chief Appraiser: Tracy Nichols
Elections Official: Laura Wise
Services for seniors aged 60 and over
Air Quality
Transportation Services
GIS Programs and IT Services
Small Business and Personal Loan Programs
Public Safety
Workforce Development
Judge Bill Stoudt
Judge Robert Johnston
Councilman Bob Tardiff
3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, Texas 75662
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-impaired customers may contact Relay Texas: 800-735-2989 (TTY) and 711 (Voice). Equal opportunity is the law. Equal opportunity notice in English and Spanish