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3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, TX 75662

Community Development

The Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (TxCDBG) plays a critical role in helping smaller communities in our region meet infrastructure needs in low-to-moderate income areas. Administered statewide by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA), TxCDBG is the Community Development Block Grant Program for rural communities. 

Annually, the ETCOG region receives a formula-based allocation of funds for which applicants can compete. The CDBG applications are scored based on criteria developed by the Unified Scoring Committee (USC), which is composed of one representative from each Council of Governments in the state, and points allocated by Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). Grants are awarded to the highest-ranking applications. Projects are funded until all available money is expended from that cycle.





Texas CDBG Community Development Fund

 2025-2026 Application Cycle

Eligible Applicants

Cities with populations under 50,000 and counties with a non-metropolitan population under 200,000.

Maximum Grant Amount: $750,000
Phase 2 Application Deadline: June 30, 2025

Find Out More Apply Here

Updates & Resources

2025 CDBG Downtown Revitalization Program, with Main Street Set Aside

The Downtown Revitalization Program objective is to provide infrastructure improvements to address the conditions that contribute to the deterioration in an area designated as slum or blighted in the applicant community's downtown or main street area.

Maximum Grant Amount: $1,000,000

Community Application Deadline: April 3, 2025

Program Page & Application Guide

Fair Housing Information

It is illegal to discriminate in the sale or rental of housing, including against individuals seeking a mortgage or housing assistance, or in other housing-related activities. The Fair Housing Act prohibits this discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), familial status, and disability.

Rights & Obligations
DBRA/CWHSSA Liquidated Damages

TDA has been in contact with HUD regarding recent projects involving liquidated damages assessed for violations of labor standards requirements under the federal Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (CSWSSA). Labor Standards Officers that identify such violations are advised to immediately contact The LSO should also notify the contractor to correct any wage underpayments and avoid future violations; however, no liquidated damages should be assessed or collected from the contractor until specific instructions are provided by TDA.


Note: TDA has updated Form A708 Sample DOL Payroll Form to include the most up to date format.

New Revisions to Project Implementation Manual

TDA is announcing two revisions to the 2024 TxCDBG Project Implementation Manual:

  • Chapter 5 / Appendix F – Guidance is provided for using Bid Alternates while remaining consistent with TxCDBG procurement policies and expectations.

  • Chapter 2 – The Group B Fund Disbursement Threshold is updated to be consistent with administrative penalty amounts.
Policy Issuance 24-01


TDA is watching closely as a number of executive orders are being issued that may impact TxCDBG projects. According to a Department of Labor announcement:

“On January 21, 2025, the White House and President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order: “Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity”, which revoked Executive Order 11246. For 90 days from the date of this order, Federal contractors may continue to comply with the regulatory scheme in effect on January 20, 2025.”

This announcement directly impacts the Equal Employment Opportunity clause required for contracts greater than $10,000. Until the DOL issues new regulations, the EEO language remains a requirement contract clause. TDA has updated the Appendices to the TxCDBG Project Implementation Manual to add the following – grant recipients must continue to include the Equal Employment Opportunity clause in all relevant contracts, and should include this qualifier in the same:

Equal Opportunity Clause. [Note: Executive Orders 11246 and 13672 have been rescinded by Executive Order 14173 issued January 21, 2025]

TDA will provide a Policy Issuance or other guidance once new regulations are implemented.

DBRA/CWHSSA Liquidated Damages

TDA has been in contact with HUD regarding recent projects involving liquidated damages assessed for violations of labor standards requirements under the federal Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (CSWSSA). Labor Standards Officers that identify such violations are advised to immediately contact The LSO should also notify the contractor to correct any wage underpayments and avoid future violations; however, no liquidated damages should be assessed or collected from the contractor until specific instructions are provided by TDA.


Note: TDA has updated Form A708 Sample DOL Payroll Form to include the most up to date format.

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