ETCOG is seeking qualified proposers to participate in the ETCOG Copier Lease & Service Maintenance 2025 RFP to provide copier equipment and to include service maintenance for the ETCOG main office, two (2) Area Agency on Aging (AAA) locations in Kilgore and Tyler Texas, and seven (7) facility locations in Longview, Tyler, Athens, Marshall, and Palestine, Texas, that houses Workforce Solutions Centers. The maintenance contract shall include all service calls, labor charges, parts, and supplies. The maintenance contract shall also outline a Service Level Agreement between the qualified vendor and ETCOG. The copier equipment must meet or exceed requirements and specifications as noted in the attached BID Specifications Sheet (Attachment A). Proposers are asked to submit copier/printer equipment that will provide a fast, efficient, and smooth in-house operation and network infrastructure environment.
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Join our new COGWORKS vendor network, and your products and services will become available to our participating members. Awarded vendors will deal directly with participating members for specific purchase needs, requirements, and payments.
3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, Texas 75662
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-impaired customers may contact Relay Texas: 800-735-2989 (TTY) and 711 (Voice). Equal opportunity is the law. Equal opportunity notice in English and Spanish