We administer Workforce Solutions East Texas to support economic development in East Texas. By offering a trained, first-class workforce, we can attract employers and make a difference in the economy and the quality of life in East Texas.
Helping East Texans prepare for, locate, and obtain jobs and careers that suit their strengths, lifestyles, and goals.
Our Employer Services Team is here to assist employers with recruiting, screening, testing, and training for skilled workers.
Workforce Solutions East Texas is proud to be one of the top performing areas in the State for Texas Rising Star, the quality rating and improvement system for early childhood programs.
We have 5 locations, 3 mobile workforce centers, and our VIP call center to serve employers and job seekers in the region.
It is our vision for East Texas to have active economic development with a premier workforce attracting and supporting growth of business and industry. See the board meeting schedule.
Our staff serve the Workforce Solutions East Texas Board to work in partnership with the region's chief elected officials and is the primary source of local workforce policy. We are proud to serve Anderson, Camp, Cherokee, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Marion, Panola, Rains, Rusk, Smith, Upshur, Van Zandt, and Wood counties. We are one of 28 local Workforce Solutions Boards located throughout the state.
We have 5 Workforce Solutions East Texas locations to serve you!
Administration offices are located at ETCOG.
3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, Texas 75662
3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, Texas 75662
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-impaired customers may contact Relay Texas: 800-735-2989 (TTY) and 711 (Voice). Equal opportunity is the law. Equal opportunity notice in English and Spanish