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3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, TX 75662

Illegal Dumping Toolkit

The overall goal for all communities, large and small, rural, or urban, is for illegal dumping never to occur. The toolkit shares resources and ideas to prevent dumping but, when needed, abate, clean, and enforce laws to deal with the illegal dumping problem.

Submit A Report

Report an active illegal dumper or an illegal dump site. Include pictures and tag your location on the map to assist the authorities. Bookmark this site on your phone and report from the scene.

Track A Report

Check the status of a previously submitted illegal dumping report. A report number is required.

Proper Disposal Locations

Learn about how and where to properly dispose of your waste. There are many options available to recycle materials.

The information we will collect is confidential and will only be used for investigation, prosecution, and cleanup of illegally dumped items.

Digital Graphics

To support efforts in promoting the Report Illegal Dumping app, ETCOG has provided graphics for jurisdictions and programs to use on websites, social media, and in print distributions.


How it works


See illegal dumping site

If you find an illegal dump site, take note of its location, the type and amount of waste, license plate numbers, and a physical description of the violator(s) if witnessed.

*Do not touch any of the items dumped.


Submit a report

Try to provide as much information as possible to help authorities.

Reporting online allows you attach photographs and drop a pin on a map to further assist authorities.


Authorities investigate

Illegal dumping in Texas is a crime, and dump sites reported will be investigated under Texas Health and Safety Code 365. Illegal dumping contained in a closed barrel or drum, or for a commercial purpose carries increased penalties. Illegal dumping that results in the pollution of a waterway will be investigated under Chapter 26 of the Texas Water Code.


Dump site cleaned up

The municipality with jurisdiction for the location of the dump site typically cleans up the dump site at taxpayer cost. If a successful suit is brought against the violator, the violator may be required to reimburse the cost incurred to clean the site.

Contact Us

Bridget Booty

Economic Development Specialist

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