ETCOG will hold its 102nd semi-annual Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday, September 22, at The Reserve, located at 7725 US-259 in Longview, from 11:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Among other items, the Board will consider the budget and planning guide for ETCOG operations for the fiscal year 2023 (October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023). The proposed budget totals $81,114,840, which reflects a decrease of $3,352,362 from the prior year.
“ETCOG provides a forum for elected officials to come together and solve common problems,” said ETCOG Executive Director David Cleveland. “With local elected official guidance and consent, we administer and manage the state and federal grant programs for which we receive funds. Our Board will review the budget and planning guide which sets forth our plan for the delivery of regional services through four major program areas: Workforce & Economic Development, Area Agency on Aging (AAA), Public Safety, and Transportation.”
ETCOG’s Board of Directors is comprised of elected officials representing the ETCOG membership of cities, counties, special districts, and school districts in the 14-county East Texas region. The proposed budget can be viewed on the ETCOG website at
The meeting includes business items such as a report on the year’s accomplishments, approval of meeting minutes; recommendations for Executive Committee service and officers; discussion and approval of the FY 2023 budget, presentation of the Chairman’s Service Award, and recognition of Chairman Judge AJ Mason’s service.
3800 Stone Road
Kilgore, Texas 75662
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